Monday, February 22, 2010

Going ballistic !

This past week Happiness got presented to a group of Master students from the University of the West of England (UWE), to see if some of them wanted to work on the game. I was not present myself at the presentation, but apparently some students went 'ballistic', raising questions about why teenagers had to learn about the subject of trafficking at all. - We could also ask why we have to learn about hunger or war...What is interesting about this is that it seems that trafficking is still a taboo, and that it can still create heated discussions. Someone told me 'I was stepping into a minefield' doing this game. But maybe 'ballistic' and 'minefield' are not such bad things after all... On Friday I was doing a presentation myself to the studio, which also raised interesting conversations. - Some things to take away from that might be:
- Make Happiness a character that would also intrigue the boys to play (leave out the Ben character)
-Document the moral choices during the production
- Somehow mention other forms of trafficking (slave labor, domestic work..)

I'm on to another busy week..

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